If you are looking for
NIGERIAN DWARF GOATS, you've come to the right spot!
Pelzer, South Carolina
We LOVE our Nigerian Dwarf goats for their fun and easy-going personalities and definitely for their size.
All our goats are ADGA registered of have fantastic pedigrees.
We have one buck, "Barnaby", purchased from Split Creek who comes from a line of champions actually. (And he definitely enters any place with a "champion" pose.) My kids love to play with him because he always plays back!
Barnaby's Sire holds titles of Best of Breed June 2018, Best Buck in Show June 2018 and Grand Champion June 2018
Barnaby's Sire's Sire holds titles of Grand Champion May 2018 (2x), Best of Breed May 2018 (2x), Best Buck in Show May 2018 and Grand Champion June 2018.

-purchased from Split Creek (award winning goat farm)
-produces plenty of milk for babies
-reddish-brown with moonspots

-purchased from Split Creek (award winning goat farm)
-produces plenty of milk for babies
-black and white

-BLUE eyes
-unique chamoisee pattern

-BLUE eyes
-light gold color with white poll